A moment of clarity here. If yesterday was so bad why are you choosing to dwell on it instead of getting excited about the unlimited possibilities of the present day?
There are a myriad of pathways that one can take toward becoming a musician. Some of us learn from family members, friends, books, instructional videos, listening to other musicians and so on. Very often however we begin our journey with a teacher in or outside of an educational facility. We are often initially taught the fundamentals of reading standard music notation and taught the techniques to recreate the tones and sounds that we see on paper without actually understanding what sound is and how it works. According to the Encyclopedia Britanica, sound is; a mechanical disturbance from a state of equilibrium that propagates through an elastic material medium. Sound is defined by ANSI/ASA S1.1-2013 as "(a) Oscillation in pressure, stress, particle displacement, particle velocity, etc., propagated in a medium with internal forces (e.g., elastic or viscous), or the superposition of such propagated oscillation. (b) Auditory sensation evoked by the os...
A musical note has two meanings. The first definition is a reference to the pitched sound itself. The second is a reference to a symbol in musical notion that defines the pitch and duration of a note. The pitch is the quality of a sound governed by the rate of vibrations producing it. The higher the frequency the higher the pitch; the lower the frequency the lower the pitch. The next major characteristic of sound is the timbre. Timbre defines the unique tonal characteristics that distinguishes it from another. Timbre has four primary characteristics; attack, decay, sustain, release. The envelope of a sound has the following components and would look something like this: Attack - The time it takes for the note to reach the maximum level. Decay - The time it takes for the note to go from the maximum level to the sustain level Sustain - The level while the note is held. Release - The time it takes for the note to fall from the susta...
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